Susie Orbach I’m the sort of person who likes to undo everything. – Susie Orbach Likes Quotes Person Quotes Sort Quotes Undo Quotes In general, the Western body has become a global brand. Celebrity culture is something that pains me.
Jesse Itzler The concept of getting out of my routine, mixing it up, and pushing myself to live the grittiest life is something I try to incorporate every day. – Jesse Itzler
John MuirNatureWork Nature is ever at work building and pulling down, creating and destroying, keeping everything whirling and flowing, allowing no rest but in rhythmical motion, chasing everything in endless song out of one beautiful form into another. – John Muir
John Rampton If you don’t have the time or desire to do whatever is being asked of you, say, ‘no.’ Even if you want to bake those cookies for your kid’s fundraiser or take on a new freelancing gig, sometimes you just have to politely decline until you do have the extra time. The other party may be disappointed, but it’s not the end of the world. – John Rampton
Ray Kurzweil We appear to be programmed with the idea that there are ‘things’ outside of our self, and some are conscious, and some are not. – Ray Kurzweil
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