Ed O'Brien I’m thrilled we’ve got a new single out, as singles were the way I first got into music as a child. – Ed O’Brien Child Quotes Music Quotes Single Quotes Singles Quotes Thrilled Quotes But for the first time, we haven’t made a huge leap forward in sound from our last album. Fans who own Kid A should be able to get their heads around it. I don’t read the press, I don’t watch endless music TV.
Richard Trumka We can support Barack Obama because he’s committed to putting America back to work with good jobs – and he proved it by saving the auto industry. – Richard Trumka
Clive Cussler NUMA is basically trying to preserve our maritime heritage by finding lost shipwrecks of historical significance before they are gone. – Clive Cussler
Eleanor Roosevelt Autobiographies are only useful as the lives you read about and analyze may suggest to you something that you may find useful in your own journey through life. – Eleanor Roosevelt
AJ Michalka For me, I just want to continue telling stories – whether it’s musically or theatrically, this is what I love to do. So, I want to create more. – AJ Michalka
Charles Francis Richter I repeatedly have to correct this belief. In a sense, magnitude involves steps of 10 because every increase of one magnitude represents a tenfold amplification of the ground motion. But there is no ‘scale of 10’ in the sense of an upper limit. – Charles Francis Richter
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