Kevin Brady I’m tired of seeing American jobs, manufacturing, and headquarters forced overseas due to a tax code that works against us. – Kevin Brady American Quotes Code Quotes Forced Quotes Headquarters Quotes Jobs Quotes Manufacturing Quotes Overseas Quotes Tax Quotes Tired Quotes America’s fiscal future is frightening. Americans deserve a simple, fairer, and flatter tax code that jumpstarts our economy, helps create jobs, and makes America a leader again.
Frans TimmermansSociety Whether they are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or atheist, everybody has a place in this society. – Frans Timmermans
ChanceHavelock Ellis However well organized the foundations of life may be, life must always be full of risks. – Havelock Ellis
Burning Spear Music is supposed to create an associate level, wherein I and you and you and I can associate without any misunderstanding. – Burning Spear
Dean Ornish We all know we’re going to die one day, but who wants to think about it? What’s sustainable is joy, pleasure and freedom. – Dean Ornish
Alison Jackson I’m not really interested in the celebrity themselves. I’m interested in the perception of the celebrity. – Alison Jackson
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