Ben Feldman I’m unconventionally romantic. – Ben Feldman Romantic Quotes Unconventionally Quotes Here’s the thing about Jews in Hollywood. Not to stereotype, but the Jews I know here are the funniest, most self-deprecating people I know. And it’s rare to find a Jew that is actually offended by comedy about them. I despise – I hate – I’m terrified of karaoke, and I wish I wasn’t because everybody I know who’s awesome loves it.
Priyanka Chopra You need to feel comfortable. When you’re comfortable, you feel confident. And when you’re confident, the world is your oyster. Most important, you gotta feel what you wear. – Priyanka Chopra
FoodThomas Keller But once in a while you might see me at In and Out Burger; they make the best fast food hamburgers around. – Thomas Keller
Jurgen Klopp Without being the most confident person in the world, I think I am the right person for Liverpool. – Jurgen Klopp
Ida Rentoul Outhwaite I should have been a much better artist if I could have studied more and amused myself less. – Ida Rentoul Outhwaite
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