Jermaine Dupri I’m very good at separating things, and one of the things that I’ve always separated is that my business from one artist to the next has nothing to do with each other. – Jermaine Dupri Artist Quotes Business Quotes Separated Quotes Separating Quotes I have the weirdest career in hip-hop, and I say that because I started so young. I started So So Def when I was 17 years old. When you stick to what you’re doing, sometimes that road ain’t as easy as the rest of them.
Benjamin E Mays It isn’t a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. – Benjamin E Mays
Jonas Armstrong I live in Sheffield, and most auditions are in London, meaning I’m normally a bag of nerves on the train to London because you have all that time to think. – Jonas Armstrong
R Lee Ermey There have been a lot of changes in recruit training in the past twenty years. – R Lee Ermey
Rainer Weiss Over and over in the history of astronomy, a new instrument finds things we never expected to see. – Rainer Weiss
Ivar GiaeverScience Science is to find something unknown, while invention is to make something new out of the known theory. – Ivar Giaever
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