Randy Rainbow I’m very – I’m not very sure of anything in my life, but there’s always been something in me that has known that I’m going to get where I’m going, one way or the other. – Randy Rainbow Life Quotes I did have a thing for mazes. When I was a kid, I remember drawing little mazes constantly and puzzles. I loved that. Well, the first restaurant I worked in was Hooters.
Marlon Brando Privacy is not something that I’m merely entitled to, it’s an absolute prerequisite. – Marlon Brando
AttitudeHopeJeff Ross I’m a big fan of Courtney Love. I love Hole and I love her acting and I love her attitude. I just hope I never meet her in a dark alley. – Jeff Ross
JrL E Modesitt Science fiction writers have usually been very poor prognosticators of the future, either in literary or technological terms, and that’s because we’re all too human and, I think, have the tendency to see what we want to or, in the case of those more paranoid, what we fear. – L E Modesitt, Jr
Lauren Schmidt Hissrich I think that anytime you’re doing casting and you’re casting something that has a lot of existing fans you’re going to get a lot of opinions about whether it matches fans vision. – Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
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