Mickey Spillane Imagine this guy hits Mike Hammer over the head with a wooden coathanger and knocks him out. You hit Mike Hammer over the head with a wooden coathanger, he’ll beat the crap out of you. – Mickey Spillane Beat Quotes Coathanger Quotes Crap Quotes Guy Quotes Hammer Quotes Head Quotes Hit Quotes Hits Quotes Imagine Quotes Knocks Quotes Mike Quotes Wooden Quotes My father was Catholic, my mother was Protestant, and because of that I got Christened in both churches, so I’ve got all these names… but my Dad always called me Mick. If the public likes you, you’re good.
Anna Quindlen The future is built on brains, not prom court, as most people can tell you after attending their high school reunion. But you’d never know it by talking to kids or listening to the messages they get from the culture and even from their schools. – Anna Quindlen
Suzanne Farrell It’s ungrateful to be wishing you were doing something else at the moment you are living. You haven’t lived in the moment that you are really living, you are wishing you were somewhere else. – Suzanne Farrell
IntelligenceLouis Freeh And I understand that, I testified in closed hearings over eight years because there are intelligence matters, there are sensitive matters that should not be held in a public hearing. – Louis Freeh
Nassim Nicholas TalebTechnology The Internet allows the small guy a global marketplace. But technology is harmful in the sense that we get too much information from it. Because of the web we get 10 times the amount of noise we ever got, which makes harmful fallacies far more likely. – Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Steven Wilson I’ve always wanted to make some kind of music that was universally appreciated. – Steven Wilson
Brian Urlacher I know there are a lot of experts in the media – a bunch of smart guys out there who know exactly what they’re talking about all the time. They don’t know what they’re talking about. – Brian Urlacher
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