Erik Larson In 1933, the Gestapo was founded to become – to be a secret police agency to keep tabs on political opposition and so forth. Brand-new as of April 1933. – Erik Larson Agency Quotes April Quotes Brandnew Quotes Founded Quotes Gestapo Quotes Opposition Quotes Police Quotes Political Quotes Secret Quotes Tabs Quotes If I’d been living in Berlin in 1933-34, could I possibly have foreseen the Holocaust and all the corollary horrors of World War II? And if I had, would I have done anything about it? I also started to wonder: how does a culture slip its moorings? My favorite zone is from 1890 -1915, that zone that spans the overlap of the so-called Gilded Age and the Progressive Era. People had such a boundless sense of optimism; They felt they could do anything they wanted to do, and they went out and tried to do it.
Robert Lighthizer It is hard for me to understand why we tolerate so many barriers to agriculture trade when America is the No. 1 producer of agriculture products. I think opening up markets – more markets for agricultural sales is a very high priority for us. – Robert Lighthizer
Caroline Kennedy I never thought I’d be doing poetry books. I never really studied poetry. But the first one I did was after my mother died, and I realized that people sort of think and talk about her style and fashion, but in fact, what made her the person she was was really her love of reading and ideas. – Caroline Kennedy
Caroline Leavitt I absolutely want and prize and love and revere every single media review I get, but if I got 50 reviews from major newspapers and one review from Amazon, I still would feel a little weird: ‘What’s going on? Why aren’t people responding?’ – Caroline Leavitt
Doug Aitken We are engaging with so many art forms at once in the 21st century, but we’re presented with them in a way that is so isolated. – Doug Aitken
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