Seth Meyers In 2004 I had the fortune – or the misfortune – of playing John Kerry. It was hard because I think the best impressions exaggerate someone’s most well-known quality. And exaggerating gravitas is very hard to pull off. – Seth Meyers Exaggerate Quotes Exaggerating Quotes Fortune Quotes Gravitas Quotes Hard Quotes Impressions Quotes John Quotes Kerry Quotes Misfortune Quotes Playing Quotes Pull Quotes Quality Quotes Someones Quotes Wellknown Quotes I’m a bold man. I throw caution to the wind. My parents introduced me to ‘SNL,’ Monty Python, and Richard Pryor probably way earlier than they had any right to.
Madhura Naik Later when I was in Mithibai College, Mumbai, I was a singer for a rock band. – Madhura Naik
Alva Myrdal Nobel was a genuine friend of peace. He even went so far as to believe that he had invented a tool of destruction, dynamite, which would make war so senseless that it would become impossible. He was wrong. – Alva Myrdal
Natalya Neidhart Stampede Wrestling was a promotion started by my grandfather, Stu Hart. When I was competing for them, I would come out ‘through the curtain,’ slapping everyone’s hands to my ring song, Cyndi Lauper’s ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun.’ – Natalya Neidhart
Bill Foster I am grateful for the sacrifices our veterans have made to defend our freedom and prosperity. – Bill Foster
Gillian Jacobs A lot of people watch ‘Community,’ but DVR viewings only count if you watch within a certain time. – Gillian Jacobs
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