Claire Messud In a globalised world, so many of us move around so much. You lose things, but you also gain things – or hope to gain them. – Claire Messud Gain Quotes Globalised Quotes Hope Quotes Lose Quotes If you’re reading to find friends, you’re in deep trouble. Obstruction can be caused by so many factors – perfectionism, distraction, faltering confidence, external demands and pressures. At some point, of course, you’ve got to push through it all if you’re to write, and if you don’t, or can’t, you’re sunk.
Miriam Margolyes The first piece of property that I bought was in Tuscany in 1973. – Miriam Margolyes
David A ClarkeJr I think that Eric Holder has an animosity, a genuine hostility, toward local law enforcement – specifically toward white police officers. He truly believes that every white police officer is a stone-cold racist. – David A Clarke, Jr
Johann Johannsson Cheap electronics are not built to be repaired. They’re just used and then discarded. – Johann Johannsson
Josh Dallas It’s always a great day going to work with Ginnifer Goodwin; she’s a fantastic actress and I learn so much from her. – Josh Dallas
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