Paul Kagame In a state of poverty, illiteracy, people just remain exposed to all kinds of manipulation. That’s what we have lived. It’s easier to tell a poor person, ‘You know what, you are poor, you’re hungry because the other one has taken away your rights.’ – Paul Kagame Easier Quotes Exposed Quotes Hungry Quotes Illiteracy Quotes Kinds Quotes Lived Quotes Manipulation Quotes People Quotes Person Quotes Poor Quotes Poverty Quotes Remain Quotes Rights Quotes I have no regrets about being who I am and being what I am in my country for my people. No regrets at all. We want to develop this can-do mentality.
Joe Meno As an author on a corporate press, you have a lot less control over the finished product. I figure if I spend a couple years writing something, I want to be able to decide what the cover looks like and how it’s going to be presented. – Joe Meno
Richard Hatch Programmers and marketing people know how to get into your subconscious – they spend millions of dollars researching colors, shapes, designs, symbols, that affect your preferences, and they can make you feel warm, trusting, like buying. They can manipulate you. – Richard Hatch
Lucas Grabeel I dislike math, yet I respect and appreciate the fact that math is the language of the universe. – Lucas Grabeel
John Phillips It’s thrilling. There’s birth and death and frustration and victory in raising horses. It’s like a little microcosm of life is built into the short lives of these creatures. – John Phillips
FearGodThomas Jefferson Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear. – Thomas Jefferson
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