Nick Hanauer In a sufficiently prosperous society where people specialize sufficiently, and where enough of the crappy work is done by machines, all work becomes art. – Nick Hanauer Art Quotes Crappy Quotes Machines Quotes People Quotes Prosperous Quotes Society Quotes Specialize Quotes The only really expensive thing in our family budget, frankly, is private air travel. A thriving middle class is the source of growth in a technological, capitalist economy. Investing in the middle class is the most pro-business thing you can do.
Shobana Beauty for me is the attitude behind something. But my ideals of beauty are rather different. – Shobana
Angelica Ross I made a naive decision, and I joined the Navy. I figured I would use the G.I. Bill to pay for any college I wanted. I dreamed of going to Julliard to study music and acting. – Angelica Ross
Colum McCann Let the Great World Spin’ at the end talks a lot about connections and light and possibility and the fact that the world doesn’t end. Even in the darkest times, we have to go on. – Colum McCann
Pierre Poilievre The opposition believes that we should allow people to vote without even showing a shred of identification. Canadians disagree. – Pierre Poilievre
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