Ron Kind In a time of serious budget deficits, immense war costs and a sluggish economy, we cannot afford to grant such outlandish subsidies to some of our Nation’s largest corporations. – Ron Kind Afford Quotes Budget Quotes Corporations Quotes Costs Quotes Deficits Quotes Economy Quotes Grant Quotes Immense Quotes Largest Quotes Nations Quotes Outlandish Quotes Sluggish Quotes Subsidies Quotes Time Quotes War Quotes For as long as the power of America’s diversity is diminished by acts of discrimination and violence against people just because they are black, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, Muslim or gay, we still must overcome. In addition, the oil royalties the Federal Government does not collect from big oil will starve the Land and Water Conservation Fund of critical financial resources.
Phil Donahue In a network situation, a vice president, while he’s shaving, can decide your history. – Phil Donahue
BestPenny Lancaster As long as you try your best, that is all that matters. You don’t have to be the fastest runner or top of the class. – Penny Lancaster
IndependenceJacqueline Novogratz Acumen Fund’s patient capital investment in Western Seed is intended to enhance the food security and economic independence of Kenya’s smallholder farmers. – Jacqueline Novogratz
Carles PuigdemontIndependence We must have serious dialogue between Catalonia and the Spanish state on a referendum, on independence, and on how a separation from Spain – if that’s what the Catalan people choose – would be accomplished. – Carles Puigdemont
David Cone I was a professional baseball player from the time I was drafted out of high school in 1981 until the time I retired in 2003. – David Cone
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