Joshua Wong In a world where ideas and ideals flow freely, we want what everybody else in an advanced society seems to have: a say in our future. – Joshua Wong Advanced Quotes Flow Quotes Freely Quotes Future Quotes Ideals Quotes Ideas Quotes Society Quotes My generation could be the first in Hong Kong to be worse off than our parents. My generation, the so-called post-’90s generation that came of age after the territory was returned to China, would have the most to lose if Hong Kong were to become like just another mainland Chinese city, where information is not freely shared and the rule of law is ignored.
Derek Walcott My delight in things is definitely Caribbean. It has to do with landscape and food. The fact that my language may have a metrical direction is because that’s the shape of the language. I didn’t make that shape. – Derek Walcott
Jack Savoretti My wife since becoming a mother has become incredibly proud and aware of who she is and doesn’t try to hide it from anybody, and she’s become a lot more confident. – Jack Savoretti
Betsy Hodges The nexus of Donald Trump’s hateful behaviors and policies around Muslim people and immigrants comes together right here in Minneapolis. I knew immediately that the people I represent were going to be very, very scared and very, very worried for their safety. – Betsy Hodges
John UpdikeMarriage That a marriage ends is less than ideal; but all things end under heaven, and if temporality is held to be invalidating, then nothing real succeeds. – John Updike
EnvironmentalSigmar Gabriel But, as environment minister, I am very interested in a thriving German automobile industry, because I can only pay for the rising costs of environmental protection at home and abroad if there are people in Germany with jobs and who pay taxes. – Sigmar Gabriel
Patrick deWitt Certain writers look down their noses at plot, and I think I might have been one of them until I tried it. – Patrick deWitt
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