Carla Hall In catering, you’re always changing; the client is always dictating to you in terms of their wishes. – Carla Hall Catering Quotes Changing Quotes Client Quotes Dictating Quotes Terms Quotes Wishes Quotes Turkey is fine, but if I don’t have the sides, forget about it. And cornbread stuffing is at the center of my plate. I will have about six sides and then a little bit of turkey and gravy. I was in Paris, Milan and London from ’89 until ’91, and I did mostly runway modeling. I know there’s so many people out there looking for pictures, but this was way before the age of the Internet, sorry!
Cecile Richards I would be excited if we could reimagine workplaces that start from a premise that women are going to be a central part: Women are going to bear children, people are going to raise those children, and it’s not going to be a nuisance – it’s actually going to be understood as part of the deal. – Cecile Richards
Madeleine Albright To be safe at the expense of the liberty of other people is a difficult equation. – Madeleine Albright
Limmy I mean, maybe I’m alternative in that my stuff’s not mainstream, doesn’t want to be mainstream, could never be mainstream. – Limmy
Glenn Murray I think there was a time where the target man went out of fashion and it was all about the small and quick striker. – Glenn Murray
Ivanka Trump I’m a daughter, not a clone. So, of course, daughters often disagree with things their fathers say. But I share my viewpoints with him privately, not publicly. I’m not the candidate. – Ivanka Trump
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