Denis VilleneuveTruth In contradiction and paradox, you can find truth. – Denis Villeneuve Contradiction Quotes Paradox Quotes Truth Quotes Humility is truth. We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter.
Mona Singh It is just completely disgraceful that someone can go to the extent of morphing my face onto someone else’s body to create a sensational video. – Mona Singh
Bobbie Ann Mason I grew up on popular music, and rock-and-roll expresses very deep feelings of those people who don’t have a lot. – Bobbie Ann Mason
Max Schneider I love coffee. It’s one of my favorite things in the world, and I love tasting different coffees. – Max Schneider
Dennis Haysbert I’ve studied theater since high school. Of course, it’s a different story altogether being on Broadway, but it’s still theater, and you have to be in front of a live audience, and that’s very exciting. It’s something I’ve definitely wanted to do, but I got involved in movies and television, and then it became a luxury to get back on the stage. – Dennis Haysbert
Janet McTeer There are some roles that are a no-brainer. You just have a sure, instinctive ‘Yes!’ – Janet McTeer
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