Anton Corbijn In England, I’m already labeled a rock photographer, which is a little insulting, because I’m not a rock photographer at all. – Anton Corbijn England Quotes Insulting Quotes Labeled Quotes Photographer Quotes Rock Quotes I am a village boy, and Amsterdam for me was always the big town. I wanted to move away from Holland for my work because I felt that things would be better for me in England. But when I heard Joy Division’s ‘Unknown Pleasures’, that pushed me towards making the move and making it real. I met them within 12 days of moving to England.
Henry Wadsworth LongfellowIntelligence Intelligence and courtesy not always are combined; Often in a wooden house a golden room we find. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Paul Samuelson What we know about the global financial crisis is that we don’t know very much. – Paul Samuelson
Hope Davis I’ve seen a lot of the United States, having stayed in so many different cities and towns for work. It’s such a strange and fascinating country, and instead of learning about it through a textbook, I would rather discover its history and traditions and institutions through fiction and nonfiction writers. – Hope Davis
Julius Genachowski I do like the iPhone. I’ve been a Blackberry person from, like, literally day one of Blackberry, so it’s been a real switch, but it’s a great device. – Julius Genachowski
Jeh Johnson Immigration is the most difficult issue I’ve ever dealt with, and I’ve dealt with some tough issues: drones, gays in the military, WikiLeaks, Guantanamo. But immigration is hardest because there are so few people willing to talk and build consensus. Everybody’s firmly made up their mind. It’s a polarized issue. – Jeh Johnson
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