Austin Clarke In expressing so completely his own type, Mr. Yeats presents us with the case for integrity. If we can express eventually our own scholastic mentality in verse, I believe that our art will lead us not towards, but away from, English art. – Austin Clarke Art Quotes Completely Quotes English Quotes Eventually Quotes Express Quotes Expressing Quotes Integrity Quotes Lead Quotes Mentality Quotes Scholastic Quotes Type Quotes Verse Quotes Yeats Quotes Few realise that English poetry is rather like the British constitution, surrounded by pompous precedents and reverences. In contrast to our sinking taste, there has been a revival of interest in verse drama in England, Scotland, and elsewhere. The movement has been slow but sure and, above all, modest in its demands.
Avigdor Lieberman I am waiting for the day when the German Bundestag debates the violation of human rights in Saudi Arabia. – Avigdor Lieberman
Laura EsquivelTeacher As a teacher I realize that what one learns in school doesn’t serve for very much at all, that the only thing one can really learn is self-understanding, and this is something that can’t be taught. – Laura Esquivel
Ben Edwards Indeed it can be argued that to make a powerful film you must care about the subject, therefore powerful films tend to be both political and partisan in nature. – Ben Edwards
ChangeLawrence Kudlow Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results when, in fact, the results never change, is one definition of insanity. That goes for economics, too. – Lawrence Kudlow
AttitudeChanceSaul Alinsky Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future. – Saul Alinsky
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