Mario Vargas Llosa In fiction, you are not limited by real facts. You can manipulate reality; you can invent without being disloyal to the essence of history. – Mario Vargas Llosa Disloyal Quotes Essence Quotes Fiction Quotes History Quotes Invent Quotes Limited Quotes Manipulate Quotes Real Quotes Reality Quotes The Nobel prize is a fairytale for a week and a nightmare for a year. You can’t imagine the pressure to give interviews, to go to book fairs. I remember, when I was young, to have a literary or artistic vocation was really dramatic because you were so isolated from the common world. You felt that you were marginal, and if you dared to try to organise your life around your vocation, you knew you’d be completely segregated.
Nicole Richie I do love to shop. But I’m a social shopper. I like to do it while hanging out with my friends. Some of them hate shopping because they treat it like something you have to plan, like a grocery list. But if I’m out and I pass a store, I just pop in. – Nicole Richie
Greg Hardy I think a lot of times my comments get misconstrued as disrespectful and it’s not. – Greg Hardy
Paul Hawken Interestingly, the oil companies know very well that in less than 30 years they will not only be charging very high prices, but that they will be uncompetitive with renewables. – Paul Hawken
Jenny Eclair I don’t do marriage. I think it’s incredibly naff. And I don’t like vulgar displays of ostentation. – Jenny Eclair
Chen Shui-bian We ask them to remove the missiles deployed against Taiwan, give up their military threat, and instead let us together open the door to cross-Strait peaceful and stable dialogue and negotiations. – Chen Shui-bian
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