Andrea Pirlo In football, like in life, there are always millimetres which can change things – the course of a goal or of a life. – Andrea Pirlo Change Quotes Football Quotes Goal Quotes Life Quotes Millimetres Quotes Yes, many times an assist is more difficult than a goal; you need to find the right space and measure the force used in order to provide your teammate with the right position in order to score. Sometimes a pinch of sadism is the ingredient that makes victory taste that little bit sweeter.
Brooke Shields What does good in bed mean to me? When I’m sick and I stay home from school propped up with lots of pillows watching TV and my mom brings me soup – that’s good in bed. – Brooke Shields
Harlan Coben Writing isn’t about the process. It is about creating. The joy comes not from the process but from the creation. – Harlan Coben
Patrick Mahomes You want to be in the first round. That’s the dream. That’s what you see on draft night. – Patrick Mahomes
Ari Shaffir Very rarely are you going to see a story about a comic winning a fight. Yeah we’re all degenerates in some way and we’re all awful people, so we just show our weaknesses. – Ari Shaffir
Joe Wurzelbacher Not all Republicans are rich, dress in three-piece suits, and have $200 haircuts. I’m somebody who’s lived from paycheck to paycheck. I’m focusing on my blue-collar roots – I’ve worked side by side with union people. – Joe Wurzelbacher
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