Amanda Seales In hip hop, ‘real’ has always meant one who represents in actuality what they present in imagery. For instance, once upon a time, if a rapper spoke about being gangsta, they needed to truly be that, or they were ‘frontin.’ – Amanda Seales Actuality Quotes Frontin Quotes Gangsta Quotes Hip Quotes Hop Quotes Imagery Quotes Instance Quotes Meant Quotes Rapper Quotes Real Quotes Represents Quotes Spoke Quotes Time Quotes I used to work at Sirius. And when I got my job at Sirius, I was only 21. It was my first job out of college. And when I think back to what 21 was, though, you’re an idiot. Whether you agree with Trump or not, you can’t deny he looks like a piece of pizza with the cheese off. It’s just what it is.
Mitch Daniels The president’s grand experiment in trickle-down government has held back rather than sped economic recovery. He seems to sincerely believe we can build a middle class out of government jobs paid for with borrowed dollars. – Mitch Daniels
Ajay Piramal I may believe in something, but if it is not working and is not giving returns, we have to close it down because that is the right thing to do for the shareholders. – Ajay Piramal
Sharice Davids To effectively fight the coronavirus crisis, we have to make sure that every person has access to quality, affordable health coverage. – Sharice Davids
Ruchi Sanghvi Engineers love to optimize problems. Now I optimize logistical problems. I ask: ‘What’s the goal? What are our constraints? What is the optimal, elegant way to get to that goal within those constraints?’ I break it down in terms of a data funnel: ‘Where in the funnel are we inefficient?’ That analytical background really helps. – Ruchi Sanghvi
Paramahansa Yogananda If one marries out of necessity, he will have to reincarnate to reach the point where he wants to live only for God. – Paramahansa Yogananda
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