Carl SpittelerIndependence In July, 1892, fate suddenly granted me financial independence. – Carl Spitteler Fate Quotes Financial Quotes Granted Quotes Independence Quotes July Quotes Suddenly Quotes We show each day that we are prepared to act as an independence state… Not just in exceptional moments. The American Revolution and Declaration of Independence, it has often been argued, were fueled by the most radical of all American political ideas.
Leslie Jamison There’s something about that puritanical narrative of progress and upward mobility and work ethic that the glorification of abstinence fits pretty neatly into. That pairs with the fact that 12-step recovery has had too large a monopoly on how treatment is understood in America. – Leslie Jamison
Junior dos Santos Fedor is the greatest, no doubt. For me, in a matter of admiration, he is the greatest of all time. He is a heavyweight who beat everybody. He certainly was ‘The Baddest Man on the Planet.’ – Junior dos Santos
Cecilia Bartoli I would still love to do more Handel. I think Handel was a fantastic composer. I did lots of Vivaldi, but it’s also important to do the music of Handel, one of the greatest composers of the 18th century. – Cecilia Bartoli
Keke Palmer Even though I’m in the industry and I act and all this stuff, I still suffer from self-esteem issues… from the way that I look or the way that I talk… just nitpicking at myself. – Keke Palmer
Morgan Ortagus Any effort to impose national security legislation that does not reflect the will of the people of Hong Kong would be highly destabilizing and would be met with strong condemnation from the United States and the international community. – Morgan Ortagus
Anthony McCarten No murder or sin or act of barbarism or cruelty has ever been committed by a person fully absorbed in the reading of a book. By this fact alone, we can conclude that readers are nicer people, at least until they put the book down. When we are reading, we are better. – Anthony McCarten
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