Kate Christensen In literature, older women are not often given center stage. – Kate Christensen Center Quotes Literature Quotes Stage Quotes Women Quotes Food is not a means toward resolution. It can’t cure heartbreak or solve untenable dilemmas. I don’t feel that I’ve had a life of abuse or that I am a victim in any way. My life is pretty typical of a lot of Americans of my generation who grew up in the sixties in families like mine that were sort of unconventional.
EqualityMadhuri Dixit I’ve been a staunch advocate of women’s empowerment, and I’ve worked hard throughout my career to advance the cause. It is heartening to see that gender equality is really becoming more of a reality. There is still much more to be done, and I’m confident that, by working together, we can empower women worldwide. – Madhuri Dixit
Mark Haddon When I was writing for children, I was writing genre fiction. It was like making a good chair. It needed four legs of the same length, it had to be the right height and it had to be comfortable. – Mark Haddon
ChangeMichael K Powell We think the whole world’s going to change, and forget that human beings are still human beings; we have the same five senses, we still interact the same way, we still love and hate the same way, but marketers lose track of that. But then it comes down to earth. – Michael K Powell
Randi Zuckerberg There is nothing more electric than watching a live performance, especially something like improv, comedy, or music – where no two shows are ever completely identical. – Randi Zuckerberg
Samuel Rutherford Jesus Christ came into my prison cell last night, and every stone flashed like a ruby. – Samuel Rutherford
Manolo Blahnik I do and re-do things that I used to do in a flash, because I want to be more perfectionist about these things. Maybe it sounds pompous and pretentious, but that’s the way I feel. – Manolo Blahnik
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