Bruce Eric Kaplan In Los Angeles, it’s always nice out. In New York, it can be nice out or horrifying. You really have no idea what you’re going to get on any given day. – Bruce Eric Kaplan Angeles Quotes Day Quotes Horrifying Quotes Idea Quotes Los Quotes Nice Quotes York Quotes In L.A., you can put out a craft-service table anywhere, and it’s no big deal. But in New York, people who walk by it on the street get really angry about it. One quintessential moment in time is when you’re 22, when you graduate college. And then another quintessential time is as a middle-age man. That’s the convergence.
Christina Applegate I have talked to women who do yoga, who are vegan, who have never smoked and/or never drank a day in their life, but they have Stage IV breast cancer. So you do what you can to be as healthy as you can if you know you’re high-risk because yes, all those things can factor into that. But sometimes it’s just a fluke. – Christina Applegate
FunnyTommy Cooper It doesn’t matter how many times the audience has heard it before. If it’s funny, it’s funny. – Tommy Cooper
Joshua Rosenthal If food is in a box and you have to unwrap it, more than the packaging is added. Wrapping means processing, preservatives, and chemicals are packed into the food. – Joshua Rosenthal
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