Prosenjit Chatterjee In my Bengali films, I am involved with all the promotional activities, release date posters etc. – Prosenjit Chatterjee Activities Quotes Bengali Quotes Films Quotes Involved Quotes Posters Quotes Promotional Quotes Release Quotes I love to prepare for my roles. I was never serious about Bollywood films, but when I was offered a film like ‘Shanghai,’ I took it because it is a good film.
Hasan Minhaj U.S.A. Today is what happens when the coupon section takes over the newspaper. – Hasan Minhaj
Marcus Sakey Part of the fun of writing is having messages. Without them, it’s all gunfights and car chases, and none of it means anything. – Marcus Sakey
Jerry GarciaSociety If we had any nerve at all, if we had any real balls as a society, or whatever you need, whatever quality you need, real character, we would make an effort to really address the wrongs in this society, righteously. – Jerry Garcia
Beatrix of the Netherlands I realize that much will be asked of me, yet I am resolved to accept it as a great and splendid task. – Beatrix of the Netherlands
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