Sandra Tsing Loh In my case, when it arrived at 49, perimenopause was terrifying and like nothing I had ever before physically experienced. – Sandra Tsing Loh Arrived Quotes Experienced Quotes Perimenopause Quotes Physically Quotes Terrifying Quotes In the end, the real wisdom of menopause may be in questioning how fun or even sane this chore wheel called modern life actually is. It is during fertility that a female loses herself and enters that cloud overly rich in estrogen.
Gregory HarrisonStrength I love to sing and I do think that my strength as a singer is… I think I have a voice that is certainly sufficient under most any circumstances… but I think my strength is that I really am an actor and I really do have to own what I am saying. – Gregory Harrison
Emeraude Toubia I love doing fight scenes. I’ve been a dancer since I was 3 years old, so I think that helped me with the movements. – Emeraude Toubia
Shimon Peres Israel has its attractions. It’s the most dramatic country in the world. Everybody’s engaged. Everybody argues. When I leave Israel, I get a little bit bored, you know? – Shimon Peres
Claire Foy I love home, any home really – my mum’s, and of course my own. I love eating food there and chilling in bed with a cup of tea. – Claire Foy
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