Amanda Redman In one way, it’s a relief I know I’ll never have another child. I don’t live with the sorrow I had when it was still an unfulfilled possibility. – Amanda Redman Child Quotes Live Quotes Possibility Quotes Relief Quotes Sorrow Quotes Unfulfilled Quotes I get sent scripts regularly and they are badly written and insulting. The women I’m asked to play are one-dimensional. My mum and grandmother didn’t start their menopause until their early fifties.
Matthew Hussey The coolest people reveal themselves gradually, and flirting isn’t just about making yourself look great, it’s about making him feel great too. – Matthew Hussey
Kate Bush I was aware of a lot of my friends being into things I wasn’t into. Like sarcasm. It had never been a part of my family – they still don’t use sarcasm. – Kate Bush
Margaret CuomoMedical Why have we settled for a medical system that allows cancer to be recast as a chronic and tolerable disease rather than one we should try to prevent? Why do so many scientists at the nation’s drug companies and universities turn their backs on the possibility of prevention? – Margaret Cuomo
Stephen Breyer But once the person is selected, at that point that person is independent. – Stephen Breyer
Kellan Lutz Twilight’ is such an amazing project, and I think it opened up doors for all of us cast members. – Kellan Lutz
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