Steve Rushin In our house, the name for all athletic shoes – any that weren’t dress or ‘church’ shoes – was ‘tennis shoes,’ or ‘tennies.’ – Steve Rushin Athletic Quotes Church Quotes Dress Quotes House Quotes Shoes Quotes Tennies Quotes Tennis Quotes In 1984, as a college freshman, I spent a fall weekend at a friend’s house in suburban Chicago. His father worked for Beatrice Foods, a sponsor of the Chicago Marathon, and we watched that race from the finish line as a Welshman named Steve Jones set a new world marathon record. I was bewitched by the race and, especially, the clock. With each new pair of shoes, each new wrist-watch, each new Walkman or moisture-wicking wonder-material that runners put on, the sport became more alluring to me and to millions of others.
Liam Neeson A sex symbol? A symbol of sex? I don’t think that I am a sex symbol, although it’s very flattering. I’m 59, now, so I think I’m possibly past my sell-by date. I think I am. – Liam Neeson
Jim Caviezel A woman in Mexico wanted me to heal her. But I can’t heal anybody. I just put my hand on her and said, ‘Thank you for seeing the film.’ – Jim Caviezel
Pranitha Subhash I have often played the cute, girl-next-door character, who is in love with the hero. – Pranitha Subhash
Paul Bloom You’d expect, as good Darwinian creatures, we would evolve to be fascinated with how the world really is, and we would use language to convey real-world information, we’d be obsessed with knowing the way things are, and we would entirely reject stories that aren’t true. They’re useless. But that’s not the way we work. – Paul Bloom
Angela MerkelTruth Here we have the Schengen agreement, and the truth is that for years we trusted each other and set border controls on the outer borders of the European Union. And as was the case with the economic and monetary union, with this step, regarding the management of the Schengen area, we did not go all the way in terms of political solutions. – Angela Merkel
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