Muriel Rukeyser In our period, they say there is free speech. They say there is no penalty for poets, There is no penalty for writing poems. They say this. This is the penalty. – Muriel Rukeyser Penalty Quotes Period Quotes Poems Quotes Poets Quotes Speech Quotes Writing Quotes Exchange is creation. I think there is choice possible to us at any moment, as long as we live. But there is no sacrifice. There is a choice, and the rest falls away. Second choice does not exist. Beware of those who talk about sacrifice.
Bill Dixon I think people who sample are cheating. It is like people who do collages. Use all of your own stuff. – Bill Dixon
Sandra E Peterson When I was not working, when our children were little, our life was all about our kids and our relationship. We didn’t spend tons of time going off and spending time with friends and going on vacations alone. – Sandra E Peterson
DietKate Christensen Reminded of what a diet really is, I began eating more slowly, being more conscious of when I was full. I started to enjoy my buckwheat bread with goat cheese and pureed butternut-squash soup as a response to real hunger. – Kate Christensen
Major Owens It was the best route to get folks to understand segregation fast. Civil rights and women’s rights had a clear history. Making the transition to rights for people with disabilities became easier because we had the history of the other two. – Major Owens
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