John Thorn In over 160 years of recorded baseball history, no team had ever won a championship this way. – John Thorn Baseball Quotes Championship Quotes History Quotes Recorded Quotes Team Quotes More fundamentally, it is a dream that does not die with the onset of manhood: the dream is to play endlessly, past the time when you are called home for dinner, past the time of doing chores, past the time when your body betrays you past time itself. If I haven’t made myself clear, this worrisome chain of events describes the game of the nineteenth century.
Jens Lekman I have this part in myself that sometimes gets me into situations that can never end well, just because I want to prove to myself that I’m no good. – Jens Lekman
Hope Jahren There is a fundamental and culturally learned power imbalance between men and women, and it follows us into the workplace. The violence born of this imbalance follows us also. We would like to believe that it stops short of following us into the laboratory and into the field – but it does not. – Hope Jahren
Melanne Verveer Women are a dynamic economic force. We represent the largest consumer market in the world and are drivers of GDP. More and more companies recognize that when they support women as customers, employees, leaders, future investors and partners, they are adopting sound business strategies and advancing social progress. – Melanne Verveer
Nikita Parris Our keeper, Karen Bardsley, stakes out any penalty, any free-kick, any corner. KB knows the detail of how the person will take it. – Nikita Parris
Moeen Ali The moment we won the World Cup is one I will never forget and would do anything just to experience again. It was the most euphoric sporting sensation you could possibly imagine. – Moeen Ali
Ron Stallworth That was one thing that we learned, that the Klan was making an active recruitment pitch to the armed forces – not just in Colorado Springs, but in other parts of the country as well. With trained military personnel who share that ideology, you know you have a valuable soldier at your disposal. – Ron Stallworth
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