Paul Bloom In politics and in society, we can use our reason to rise above our parochial natures. Too bad that our elected officials don’t choose to do so more often. – Paul Bloom Bad Quotes Choose Quotes Elected Quotes Natures Quotes Officials Quotes Parochial Quotes Politics Quotes Reason Quotes Rise Quotes Society Quotes Periods of cooperation between political parties shouldn’t be taken for granted; they are a stunning human achievement.
Gary Vaynerchuk I would argue heavily that the time that has been allocated to social used to come from television, and people are benefitting from it. People who are saying, ‘Aw, you’re spending all your time on Facebook, or all your time on Twitter,’ I’d like to understand what the person used to do with that time. – Gary Vaynerchuk
Jim Clyburn The President’s call for more math and science students is not being heeded by his party’s leaders in Congress. They are cutting over $10 billion from student aide while refusing to fully fund No Child Left Behind. Something doesn’t add up. – Jim Clyburn
Joe Garcia We live in the world’s greatest democracy; we want for nothing. And that which we want, we can work toward achieving. – Joe Garcia
DesignRalph Lauren The clothes that I design and everything I’ve done is about life and how people live and how they want to live and how they dream they’ll live. That’s what I do. – Ralph Lauren
Brian Eno My kind of composing is more like the work of a gardener. The gardener takes his seeds and scatters them, knowing what he is planting but not quite what will grow where and when – and he won’t necessarily be able to reproduce it again afterwards either. – Brian Eno
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