John Buchanan Robinson In precisely the same way money is often hired, and the hire paid for the use of it is called Interest. – John Buchanan Robinson Called Quotes Hire Quotes Hired Quotes Money Quotes Paid Quotes Precisely Quotes Large sums were paid for the use of money, because the available amount of gold and silver was far less than was needed to carry on the commercial transactions of the times. Sometimes, instead of purchasing a commodity out and out, people want to buy only the use of it, for a longer or shorter period. The price paid for such temporary use is commonly called hire.
Patty Duke I can’t tell you what I had for breakfast, but I can sing every single word of rock and roll. – Patty Duke
RJ Mitte I have my real name and RJ. I’ve gone by RJ since I was eight, but I was named Roy after my grandfather. They called me Little Roy, which sounded like Leroy with a Texas accent, but my mom didn’t want to have a Leroy as a son, so it went to RJ. – RJ Mitte
A Bartlett Giamatti This is not the first time in my life where you know going into a job that you’re going to hear in stereo what was wrong with what you did. – A Bartlett Giamatti
Kevin Nealon I lived in Germany from when I was 6 until I was 10, so, of course, I played soccer. When I came back to the States, nobody played soccer, and none of the schools taught German, so I couldn’t continue to excel in those categories. – Kevin Nealon
Samuel Alexander An object is not first imagined or thought about and then expected or willed, but in being actively expected it is imagined as future and in being willed it is thought. – Samuel Alexander
Danny Brown In terms of fashion, I think the biggest influence that I had was my father. My pops, he was really into men’s fashion and read all of the magazines. – Danny Brown
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