Davis Webb In Prosper, the city shuts down and everybody goes to the games… Everything shuts down. You’re idolized around there… Texas high school football – it’s a lifestyle. It’s a culture. – Davis Webb City Quotes Culture Quotes Football Quotes Games Quotes Idolized Quotes Lifestyle Quotes Prosper Quotes School Quotes Shuts Quotes Texas Quotes I love throwing the deep ball. That is something I’m not scared of. I still have flash cards from when I was drawing plays when I was 10 years old.
PoetryRaoul Vaneigem The same people who are murdered slowly in the mechanized slaughterhouses of work are also arguing, singing, drinking, dancing, making love, holding the streets, picking up weapons and inventing a new poetry. – Raoul Vaneigem
Charlie Pierce There are few colonial nations anymore. Instead, we are colonized by financial institutions beyond our political control. We are colonized with pens and papers and millions of little digital bursts transferring billions of dollars all over the globe in the blink of an eye. – Charlie Pierce
Neha Sharma My first film by itself was very daunting and though I had offers, I didn’t take them because I wasn’t too sure. – Neha Sharma
Bob Kerrey If you look beyond the short term violence and instability, you do see significant activities on the part of the Iraqi people that indicate they understand the commitment necessary to govern themselves. It’s not clear how they will do it, but it never is. – Bob Kerrey
Diane von Furstenberg I was terrified the first time that I had a big problem in my business. I was obviously terrified when they diagnosed me with cancer in 1994. I was terrified when my son used to drive too fast. But I do believe in the fact that fear is not an option, so I always try to face it and not be afraid. – Diane von Furstenberg
John Rampton Since I tend to be pretty competitive and find that others on my team enjoy contests and team competitions, I thought a good way to improve feedback would be to create a way to reward the comments and ideas that actually change our company for the better. – John Rampton
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