Antonie van Leeuwenhoek In rain water, I observed a small red worm and two other kinds of very minute insects; of those of the larger size, I judged that 30,000 together would not equal a coarse sand. – Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Coarse Quotes Equal Quotes Insects Quotes Judged Quotes Kinds Quotes Larger Quotes Minute Quotes Observed Quotes Rain Quotes Red Quotes Sand Quotes Size Quotes Water Quotes Worm Quotes If we now plainly perceive that the passage of the blood from the arteries into the veins of the tadpole is not performed in any other than those vessels, which are so minute as only to admit the passage of a single globule at a time, we may conclude that the same is performed in like manner in our own bodies and in those of other animals. I have lately examined water, in which beaten pepper was steeped, and found two sorts of animals for shape, and each of those sorts to contain greater and smaller kinds: the greater I supposed the elder, the less the younger.
Jonathan Kozol Now, I don’t expect what I write to change things. I think I write now simply as a witness. This is how it is. This is what we have done. This is what we have permitted. – Jonathan Kozol
Asma Jahangir Every fair-minded person holding a position of authority must support the few who have stood up against the injustice being perpetrated in the name of blasphemy. – Asma Jahangir
Mark Waid I’m a big veteran of being able to, in one comic, explain to you everything that you need to know to get forward in the story without you having to refer back to years of continuity and a universe in these superhero comics. – Mark Waid
Alicia Garza We want to see a world where black lives matter in order for us to get to a world where all of our humanity is respected. – Alicia Garza
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