Bruce Beresford In silent movies, they tended to put the camera down, and everybody walked in front of it and acted, and then they all walked off. Cutting was quite infrequent. – Bruce Beresford Acted Quotes Camera Quotes Cutting Quotes Infrequent Quotes Movies Quotes Silent Quotes Tended Quotes Walked Quotes It’s not enough to hit the notes. There is no point in the singers just standing there and sounding wonderful if they’re not connecting with the characters they are portraying. In opera, everyone’s watching from a fixed viewpoint, and that really challenges you. Lighting, the sets, stage groupings, the music-but doesn’t relate too much to film.
Sigrid My sister and I wrote some songs together under a project called Sala Says Mhyp when I was 17. Sala is our cat. She died, and we wanted to do something in honor of our her. We were a proper cat family. – Sigrid
Benjamin Cohen On the other hand, always aim to be the best in what you do and give 100%. – Benjamin Cohen
Christina Baker Kline I think a lot of readers are looking for a book they can talk about. – Christina Baker Kline
Michele Bachmann Morals are built on religious faith. Virtue is built on morality and influences a culture. – Michele Bachmann
Jackie Shroff Indian cinema has completed 100 years. How many new stories can you bring every time? It’s not possible. – Jackie Shroff
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