AttitudeRenzo Piano In some way, people believe that if you are permeable, if you are a good listener, you don’t have the quality of somebody with a firm attitude. This is what, fundamentally, I got from my mother. – Renzo Piano Attitude Quotes Firm Quotes Fundamentally Quotes Listener Quotes Mother Quotes People Quotes Permeable Quotes Quality Quotes I’ve never had any prima donna attitude against me. It’s always been very respectful. There is clearly a constituency that appreciates the message that Google is sending, that it finds the Chinese government’s attitude to the Internet and censorship unacceptable.
Amisha Patel I was in Hyderabad shooting for a Telugu film with Mahesh Babu when Aamir called, saying he wanted me to play the widow Jwala in ‘Mangal Pandey.’ – Amisha Patel
David Goggins I’m a big believer in doing things that make you uncomfortable. So, we live in a world where we want to be as comfortable as we can. And we wonder why we have no growth. We wonder why – when the smallest thing in our life gets difficult – we wonder why we cower and we run away. – David Goggins
Bjarke Ingels Maybe our work appeals to some people more than others. But the opportunities that I present to my colleagues are completely uninfluenced by gender, race, sexual orientation, or religion. – Bjarke Ingels
Rick Stein Losing close relatives doesnt get any easier, really, but losing your parents is the big deal. – Rick Stein
DietMike Ditka So, when it comes to eating healthy, it’s just doing the right thing. And it’s not something you have to do 365 days a year, but I think it’s something you have to do 25 days a month. Let’s put it that way. – Mike Ditka
Scott Rudin The best adaptations are the ones that really excavate the material. The movies that work are the ones in which somebody very smart figured out how to take all the thematic material, all the character material, all the filigree, all the beautiful writing and put it into a story. – Scott Rudin
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