Lulu Wang In some ways, every character we write, especially the protagonist, is some version of ourselves, as a writer/director, even if they aren’t the same gender. – Lulu Wang Character Quotes Gender Quotes Protagonist Quotes Version Quotes Write Quotes Writerdirector Quotes We all have different aspects of ourselves, and who we are to different people in our lives, at different stages of our lives. Because if Asian American content is seen as a trend, the way that like leggings are in, then that’s not true representation or inclusion. The mainstream doesn’t have to worry about that.
London Breed Money should never be a barrier to whether or not a young person is given the opportunity to succeed. – London Breed
Caroline Quentin I’m out and proud with my terrible haircuts and jumpers. I think my younger self would be amazed at the way my life has turned out, actually. – Caroline Quentin
Melanie Fiona West Indian cultural mentality and a North American life equals the perfect balance. – Melanie Fiona
ChangeJules Verne Movement is life;’ and it is well to be able to forget the past, and kill the present by continual change. – Jules Verne
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