Deborah Tannen In some ways, siblings, and especially sisters, are more influential in your childhood than your parents. – Deborah Tannen Childhood Quotes Influential Quotes Parents Quotes Siblings Quotes Sisters Quotes We all know we are unique individuals, but we tend to see others as representatives of groups. The meanings of words and the uses of words come from practice from the way people in a given culture use those words.
John Darnielle It’s like fiction – the fact that somebody’s telling you a story about people who didn’t exist doesn’t make the experience of the story any less real in your heart and mind. You go through heavy emotional responses to these stories, and wrestling is a similar thing – but it’s happening in real space. – John Darnielle
Debbie Millman The thing that I like about magazines, paper magazines, and papers in any kind of tangible format is the surprise factor of turning the page and not necessarily knowing what you’re going to see. You’re not looking for something. You’re just experiencing something. – Debbie Millman
Jerry Brown We have to be realistic about what the state can afford, and put an end to abuses of the system that cost millions. – Jerry Brown
FunnyRick Wakeman There’s a fine line between angry and grumpy. Angry isn’t nice, but grumpy is funny. – Rick Wakeman
Franklin Foer It’s very un-American to say nice things about elites. Elites are often terrible. It’s not like we’ve ever had a perfect set of benevolent democratic elites ruling over our country. But the fact of the matter is that a representative system of democracy delegates power to elites. – Franklin Foer
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