Lenny Abrahamson In something like ‘Frank,’ which is a comedy, albeit a strange and emotional one, you can absolutely put in deleted scenes, and we did because they were just funny and great, but they weren’t necessary in the overall structure. – Lenny Abrahamson Absolutely Quotes Albeit Quotes Comedy Quotes Deleted Quotes Emotional Quotes Frank Quotes Funny Quotes Scenes Quotes Strange Quotes Structure Quotes I’m not setting out to adapt books and work with books, but when really amazing stories come to you in that form, it’s really hard to turn away from that. People say that soundstage sets never quite look like reality. But actually, they can. They can be as real as you want as long as you pay attention to the kind of detail that is given for free in a real place.
Gina Bellman When I had the wonderful occasion to play a goofball, Jane, in ‘Coupling,’ it was definitely an homage to Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who I just think is a genius. – Gina Bellman
Matt Hardy I try to keep up with everything – all wrestling across the board. I want to know what the competition is doing, what the up-n-comers are doing. – Matt Hardy
Adam Ant I am quite an early riser – I usually get up between 5.30 and 6am and take the dogs out. – Adam Ant
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