Pankaj Kapur In the 80s, parallel cinema gained momentum. So, I got back to films and won National awards for Maqbool’ and other films. – Pankaj Kapur Awards Quotes Cinema Quotes Films Quotes Gained Quotes Maqbool Quotes Momentum Quotes National Quotes Parallel Quotes It wasn’t one film that changed my life, but a series of decisions that brought out the best in me. While pursuing engineering, my passion for theatre grew. So, I told dad I wanted to pursue acting – ‘Do you really want to be an actor or are you drawn to the glamour?’ he asked. I convinced him of my passion and applied to film schools.
DeSean Jackson For sure, I’ve been late. I’m not going to lie about that. I’ve been late to meetings before. – DeSean Jackson
Gene Luen Yang There’s bleeding between age groups in terms of reading material, and there’s bleeding between media. So there are books that are clearly comics and books that are prose, and then there are these books that are kind of in-between. – Gene Luen Yang
ArtCharles Baudelaire Modernity is the transient, the fleeting, the contingent; it is one half of art, the other being the eternal and the immovable. – Charles Baudelaire
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