Gabrielle Giffords In the absence of a Congress ready to act to reduce gun violence, we will keep working to create a different Congress. – Gabrielle Giffords Absence Quotes Congress Quotes Create Quotes Gun Quotes Ready Quotes Reduce Quotes Violence Quotes I’ve been working hard: lots of therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, yoga too. From Texas to New Hampshire and everywhere in between, we know that support for policies such as expanded background checks continue to be popular in both parties.
Ryan Coogler Homicide through gun violence is the leading cause of death among young African American males in the United States. If people look a certain way, they have a higher tendency of dying, of having their lives taken away. – Ryan Coogler
Robert Lopez I’m not really a ‘puppet’ person in particular; I think they are very theatrical, and I’ve found different uses for them in shows, but my true interest is in writing Broadway musicals. – Robert Lopez
Sharmila Tagore Obviously you do not want to upstage. Some people work like that. But I have never been that upstaging kind. I wouldn’t want to upset anyone. – Sharmila Tagore
Margaret Cuomo Chemotherapy and radiation have side effects, and they can cause secondary cancers. – Margaret Cuomo
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