Gabrielle Giffords In the absence of a Congress ready to act to reduce gun violence, we will keep working to create a different Congress. – Gabrielle Giffords Absence Quotes Congress Quotes Create Quotes Gun Quotes Ready Quotes Reduce Quotes Violence Quotes I’ve been working hard: lots of therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, yoga too. From Texas to New Hampshire and everywhere in between, we know that support for policies such as expanded background checks continue to be popular in both parties.
FamousGeorge Zimmer In 1997, I was working with Greg Wilson of Red Ball Tiger, our ad agency at the time, when he came up with an addition to the famous slogan ‘I guarantee it’ that I was known for saying. – George Zimmer
Charles Kingsley All we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about. – Charles Kingsley
Charles Dance I had a stammer through adolescence. Any fun I’d had performing in school plays disappeared and only came back at 18, when the stammer started to go. Then I thought: ‘Well, perhaps I can show off now.’ – Charles Dance
Jeremy Stephens If you feel like you’re the real champion, you should be able to beat everybody and anybody, and take anybody out at any given time. – Jeremy Stephens
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