BusinessExperienceHarold S Geneen In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later. – Harold S Geneen Business Quotes Cash Quotes Coins Quotes Experience Quotes Harold S. Geneen Quotes Paid Quotes In my experience, the most effective professionals in business and government have the ability to get things done. They’re trained to work with multiple stakeholders, to understand how to identify a problem, devise solutions, to compromise and work well with others. To qualify the term ‘boss’ by adding ‘girl’ or ‘babe’ or ‘honey’ or ‘pink’ or whatever other ridiculous, antiquated-gender role assignment the media thinks is cute this month, is, at the least, disrespectful and at the worst, damaging to the way young women view themselves and our fight for equality in the business world.
Michael Carter-Williams When I’m disappointed in myself, that frustration comes out a little bit. I don’t let it affect my game, but it’s something I can definitely work on. – Michael Carter-Williams
Ben Gibbard I’m not like a 90-mph fastball kind of guy, but I can hit 70 on radar gun. I hit 70 one time on a radar guy at one of those pitch-and-throw kind of things. I have a pretty good arm for somebody who’s not a baseball player. – Ben Gibbard
Gennady Golovkin When I wrap my hands, I do it for my family. I owe my courage to them and also my success. That’s why I fight. – Gennady Golovkin
Jerry Saltz To engage with art, we have to be willing to be wrong, venture outside our psychic comfort zones, suspend disbelief, and remember that art explores and alters consciousness simultaneously. – Jerry Saltz
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