Mark Shand In the central Indian state of Orissa, mining has scarred the landscape, and it is already too late to secure most of the traditional elephant corridors. – Mark Shand Central Quotes Corridors Quotes Elephant Quotes Indian Quotes Landscape Quotes Late Quotes Mining Quotes Orissa Quotes Scarred Quotes Secure Quotes Traditional Quotes There are 13 Asian countries that still have elephants, and Elephant Family is looking to invest in further projects that will be the most critical for saving elephants while there is still time. Elephants seek food elsewhere if their route is blocked, and raiding crops and grain stores brings them into conflict with people, often resulting in deaths on both sides.
John Knoll Having been a cameraman, I think about, ‘Well, if this was real, how would this be shot?’ I try to inject as much realism as much as possible. – John Knoll
Noam Chomsky In ideal form of social control is an atomised collection of individuals focused on their own narrow concern, lacking the kinds of organisations in which they can gain information, develop and articulate their thoughts, and act constructively to achieve common ends. – Noam Chomsky
David SternHope I actually don’t hope for a legacy. I think that it impedes your ability to make the hard decisions if you sit around saying, ‘How will this affect my legacy?’ – David Stern
Hannah John-KamenInspirational I think it’s great that you have inspirational female roles, that it’s not just the pretty girl on the arm of a man. – Hannah John-Kamen
Douglas Wilson You have to put your own personality into your home. Do what you feel is you! – Douglas Wilson
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