Stanley Hauerwas In the Crusades, getting the Holy Land back was the goal, and any means could be used to achieve it. World War II was a crusade. The firebombing of Tokyo by Doolittle and the carpet bombing in Germany, especially by the British, showed that. – Stanley Hauerwas Achieve Quotes Bombing Quotes British Quotes Carpet Quotes Crusade Quotes Crusades Quotes Doolittle Quotes Firebombing Quotes Germany Quotes Goal Quotes Holy Quotes Land Quotes Tokyo Quotes War Quotes I think no one knows what humanitarian intervention means. If I were a person who was non-American, I would think humanitarian intervention is just another name for United States imperialism. Let me be clear: I am a Methodist. By that, I mean I think John Wesley was a recovery of Catholic Christianity through disciplined congregational life.
Jonathan Shapiro The cartoons which I enjoy have caused some kind of out rage, but they have got people talking about these issues out in the open and in essence that’s what its all about. – Jonathan Shapiro
Charlie Hunnam I think, most of the time, fame is just an inconvenience that needs to be negotiated around to get done what you’re actually trying to do. – Charlie Hunnam
Nikita Parris Every time I step on the pitch, I think about winning and putting on a performance that ensures my team comes out on top. – Nikita Parris
Graham Norton All my day is spent dealing with other people. When I come home I like it to be empty. The presence of others in my house kind of annoys me. I love coming home and shutting the doors. I feel brain dead. I’m relatively available, but not to live with. – Graham Norton
EqualityRaoul Vaneigem In the kingdom of consumption the citizen is king. A democratic monarchy: equality before consumption, fraternity in consumption, and freedom through consumption. – Raoul Vaneigem
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