Sandra Tsing Loh In the end, the real wisdom of menopause may be in questioning how fun or even sane this chore wheel called modern life actually is. – Sandra Tsing Loh Called Quotes Chore Quotes Fun Quotes Life Quotes Menopause Quotes Modern Quotes Questioning Quotes Real Quotes Sane Quotes Wheel Quotes Wisdom Quotes I’d be lying if I claimed that, in spite of our amiable afternoons, I don’t have an ache somewhere in my heart that my children will not be playing Carnegie Hall anytime soon. In my case, when it arrived at 49, perimenopause was terrifying and like nothing I had ever before physically experienced.
Mike Krzyzewski Each group and each youngster is different. As a leader or coach, you get to know what they need. – Mike Krzyzewski
Meghan McCain There are people I know who love President Trump and think that he’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to America. I understand those people. I’m not shocked by them. I defend their right to love him. But I do think character and rhetoric matter. – Meghan McCain
James Young And for REO – they get to play for some Styx fans and then we get to play in front of some REO fans. It helps spread the new music to the following of other bands. – James Young
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