Aubrey de Grey In the eye, there is a type of junk that accumulates in the back of the retina that eventually causes us to go blind. It’s called age-related macular degeneration. – Aubrey de Grey Accumulates Quotes Agerelated Quotes Blind Quotes Called Quotes Degeneration Quotes Eventually Quotes Eye Quotes Junk Quotes Macular Quotes Retina Quotes Type Quotes Ever since we invented fire and the wheel, we’ve been demonstrating both our ability and our inherent desire to fix things that we don’t like about ourselves and our environment. The whole point of cryopreserving only one’s head is based on the idea that one can simply grow in the laboratory an entire new body, without a head, and stick it onto the cryopreserved head.
Julian Bream When I feel like improvising, I always improvise on the guitar, never on the lute. It’s as natural to me as breathing. – Julian Bream
Marty Scurll I thought Ring Of Honor didn’t have any British guys. And I can come to Ring Of Honor and not only have they not seen anyone like me before, there’s not anyone that can talk like me, wrestle like me, see my character is pretty unique, so that was important for me. – Marty Scurll
Garrett Clayton I love doing the dishes… not for the act of cleaning but because I get to put my headphones in, listen to music, and ignore the world for an hour, and it’s totally acceptable because I’m cleaning. – Garrett Clayton
Lobsang Tenzin People forget who they are; they always remain with an identity which is not the real self. It is just a projected self which does not exist, but they identify with this projected self appearance. – Lobsang Tenzin
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