Henry Bonilla In the next four years, President Bush will continue to keep America safe, our enemies on the run, and our economic progress moving forward. Texas is the home of our President, and we will make sure that is true for another four years. – Henry Bonilla America Quotes Bush Quotes Continue Quotes Economic Quotes Enemies Quotes Moving Quotes President Quotes Progress Quotes Safe Quotes Texas Quotes TRUE Quotes Well, we have a crisis along the Mexican border right now, a state of emergency as declared by a bipartisan group of Texas House members just last fall. You know, we’ve had almost 200,000 OTMs – the government categorizes OT ‘other, other than Mexicans’ – along the Mexican border. Regardless of your political affiliation, most people agree that Ronald Reagan was an American icon. He was a president of national significance and for that reason he deserves an honor in the nation’s capital.
DesignHenrik Fisker I’ve always wanted to design a Mustang. I just never really had the opportunity in my career because the timing was never right. – Henrik Fisker
Akhil Akkineni Animals don’t deserve to be abused. They deserve to be friends with us and they deserve to be appreciated for the beautiful beings they are. – Akhil Akkineni
Greg Rucka There are still plenty of people who want to burn me at the stake for my Wonder Woman run. And I can’t really blame them, you know? That was my take on the character, and when people are invested in the characters, they see them very clearly and in the way they like. – Greg Rucka
Rocco DiSpirito I was pleasantly surprised after the book came out. It was like, hey, the home team put down a nice score. – Rocco DiSpirito
M Ward I’m somebody who doesn’t feel the need to be in the driver’s seat all the time. I appreciate the perspective of being in the passenger’s seat sometimes, and I feel fortunate for that because I’ve learned a lot from that perspective. – M Ward
Amanda Tapping I love acting… I really do. I love crawling into another character’s skin. That’s something that I’ve always, always, always, always wanted. – Amanda Tapping
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