John Paulson In these times of uncertainty for paper-based currency, I feel more secure in holding gold. – John Paulson Currency Quotes Feel Quotes Gold Quotes Holding Quotes Paperbased Quotes Secure Quotes Times Quotes Uncertainty Quotes Historically, gold has always been a safe haven against inflation and a safe haven in times of political instability. Please, if you go to Palm Springs, stay at the La Quinta.
Steve Hilton The Democrats’ obsession with scandal is out of touch and decadent. People want substance, not scandal. – Steve Hilton
Kevin Barry I’ve had lots of people saying very nice things about the work. But I genuinely feel in the course of a writing career you’re going to have people say very nice things and some not-so-nice things, and if at all possible you should try to ignore both. – Kevin Barry
Hosni Mubarak Egypt is going through difficult times and we cannot allow it to carry on. – Hosni Mubarak
Marisa Miller I think you’re kind of seeing the real me as far as seeing what I post on social media, because I am very much into cooking, and my dogs, and obviously my son, and my lifestyle in Santa Cruz is very laid-back. – Marisa Miller
Suleika Jaouad Before my diagnosis with leukemia, two years ago at the age of 22, I’d always excelled at making resolutions. But I was never as good at keeping them. – Suleika Jaouad
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