Jacky Rosen In Washington you legislate, but at home you touch people’s lives; that’s what I try to do when I go there. – Jacky Rosen Legislate Quotes Lives Quotes Peoples Quotes Touch Quotes Washington Quotes We have a bipartisan congressional task force against anti-Semitism, that’s fantastic. Of course, being the synagogue president, for me it was a great blessing.
Louise Wilson What is good work? You just know it when you see it. You just can’t explain it. – Louise Wilson
John Barrasso Congress is the appropriate place to make laws about our country’s immigration policy; it is not something that the president gets to decide on his own. – John Barrasso
Liberty Ross I would never say out loud that I am raising my children alone, but a lot of the time it has felt like that. – Liberty Ross
Connie Sellecca When I began my search for the perfect skin care to fight the aging process, I noticed that my sensitive skin was reacting horribly to any product I used. – Connie Sellecca
Benazir Bhutto A people inspired by democracy, human rights and economic opportunity will turn their back decisively against extremism. – Benazir Bhutto
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