Nita Ambani India is now changing and regaining its lustre, and it is coming of age. – Nita Ambani Age Quotes Changing Quotes Coming Quotes India Quotes Lustre Quotes Regaining Quotes Mukesh calls me his true life partner… I just enjoy being Mukesh’s wife. My husband is that rare man who is blessed with the ability to see the big picture but will not ignore the smallest detail. He will work an 18-hour day and still find time to help the kids with their homework.
Paul Scofield A book is worth a few francs; we Germans can afford to destroy those. We all may not appreciate artistic merit, but cash value is another matter. – Paul Scofield
Kelly Ripa When I’m at work, I’m remembering what I forgot to do for the kids, and when I’m with the kids, I’m remembering what I forgot to do at work. – Kelly Ripa
Anjelica Huston I must confess I love female writers: Jane Austen, Isak Dinesen, Colette, Willa Cather, Dawn Powell, Joan Didion. I grew up on the Bronte sisters, and Daphne du Maurier. – Anjelica Huston
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